thrive financially without sacrificing your creativity or wellbeing?

you had me at freedom

wedding photographers, are you ready to...

In just 4 months, you can:
💛 Boost your income with strategic steps that make sense for your unique business goals
💛 Attract and book ideal clients who resonate with your vision and value your work
💛 and reclaim the freedom to live that fulfilling life you envisioned when you started your business

This isn’t a one-time quick fix either, the strategies that you learn here will help you as a business owner for years to come.

does this sound like you?

You are searching for clarity in your business, sustainable strategies to book more of the couples you love, and confidence in the nitty-gritty business stuff so you can know you’re on the right path.

You are ready to create your wholehearted business that serves your life.

Not sure if this is right for you? Are you a photographer who understands their camera, has a business, and a year or two of experience, but you just can't seem to figure out how to take this to the next level? You love photography and your clients, but you need to be making more money. You're excited about growing your business, but you don't want to do it alone.

You're in the right place, friend.

Woah this is for me

You started taking photos because you love being creative and connecting with people, and you have big business goals and dreams.

Photography is your passion and where you see your future, and you want to make it your career for life.

But I'm willing to bet this might sound like your day to day right now?

❌ You are feeling like it's impossible to get caught up

❌ You are not planning for the future of your business, let alone next month

❌ You are wondering if there's some business success secret that you're missing

❌ You are avoiding your bank account and don't understand your finances

❌ You are feeling guilty for the time away from your personal life that work consumes

❌ You are doing everything yourself without any assistance (been there)

I know this isn’t your first rodeo, you’ve started this business on your own after all

✔️ You are confidently providing excellent experiences to your dream couples because you've built in the communcation to really understand their needs

✔️ You can work a half-day and feel like you got plenty done, because you are working with a schedule and boundaries

✔️ You know that you have your marketing in place so you can feel good about taking a day off

✔️ You're actually really excited about your clients and your photography, and you know this upcoming season is going to be fun

✔️ You feel the security of workflows that work, and you know that your clients are well-taken care of without you needing to be up late at night answering emails.

✔️ You're finally free of worrying about your finances - you know you're going to be okay because you're charing what you need to to run your business.


What if you could hit goals like this?

how do i know that t.his is what you want? i’m not actually a mind reader, i’ve just felt it too.

I know what it’s like to think what you’re doing just isn’t working, and knowing that there must be an easier way.

I’ve done the free exposure shoots, I’ve fumbled with pricing (am I charging too little, too much?) and I know exactly how it feels to struggle with thinking I need to spend every free moment working in my business.

I’ve stood where you are, wondering where in the world that elusive feeling of success is, and when I will finally feel it.

You’ve been feeling no growth for far too long, and it’s time for something better. What if you had planned weekends off months ahead of time because you were sure of your income? Just imagine knowing you have a solid, reliable business year after year. Imagine the freedom that would provide you.

Well I’ve unlocked that limitless freedom in running my photography business, and I want you to find it too.

For just a minute, think about this: What if you didn't have to take on every session that came your way?

All you really want to do is learn how to actually run a business that feels successful.

The BEST decision I have made for my business.

Since signing up for the program I have booked weddings at higher rates than ever and can see clear growth within my business.
I seriously cannot recommend this program enough!

Lauren currie photo

Katelyn gave me new and creative ideas that work for ME.

I needed to learn more to be able to create the art that I was envisioning. Katelyn really helped me understand and showed me other ways to accomplish my goals.

J. Knight Photography

I want you to know that you're definitely not alone in this struggle. You’re not the first one to spin their wheels on how to make money in photography, but let's bust the myth that making a living off photography is some unattainable dream. Nope, not true!

I'm here to tell you that with the right guidance, strategies and a sprinkle of creative magic, you can break free from that cycle and turn your passion into a money-making business. 

It all felt wildly intimidating but wholly necessary. And if I’m honest, knowing that I could just book a few shoots to make ends meet always made sense in my mind. But thinking about workflows, SEO, and *shudder* profit margins? Oof, that felt tough.

So I spent countless hours taking online courses, studying all of the business books, and bugging all of my successful photography besties just to get a sense of what worked and what didn’t.

i too used to avoid my finances and business structure like the plague.

you might be surprised to know...

Luckily for me *and you* I’ve since gotten really into systems and mindset in business, like reallyyyyy nerdy with it.

I’m talking a consistent $7k+ packages. $20k months in the Winter. Higher net profits. Spending a month in Puerto Rico on MY income. Only having 10 weddings per year. Spending three weeks during wedding season in Scotland and Ireland. Hosting profitable workshops. Taking my mom to a resort in Vermont for a week. Donating to causes I care about. 

ALL OF THIS TO SAY—I’ve been there. Struggling to put the pieces together. No clue where to start. Frustrated because even though my photography was beautiful, no one knew about me because my business strategies sucked. I don’t want that for you. And your bank account doesn’t either.

And the best part? Ever since getting my business-side together, my wedding photography has taken off.

I'm your photography development coach, mentorship leader, and creative guide. I have built a successful six-figure career in wedding photography, working with over 175 happy couples for their weddings days, and coaching dozens of photographers on running fulfilling and profitable businesses.

My business structure allows me to travel the world, spend time with my family, and spend more time living life and less time working.

I want to invite you into my realm so that you can learn to create your own thriving business, too!

Hey friend, i'm Katelyn.

KAtelyn mallett, ceo of her dream life

Imagine walking into a room where everyone gets it. You know, that passion for capturing beautiful moments, the struggles of the day-to-day in business, the dreams of turning this love into a life.

You deserve a coach who is an advocate for your success, and aligns your coaching to your unique business needs and a mentorship that will help you reach your full potential and make your creative business the most successful it’s ever been. In all honesty, investing in a mentorship is a pretty big jump! You're trusting in another person to guide you on the best path to the next level of your business, but it's organic growth over time, not a pre-written chapter book.

This is one of the best ways you can up level your business! Unlike a pre-written class, mentorships are tailored to be valuable no matter what you're going through or what changes along the journey, so you'll always be served up helpful information and guided in a way that fits you.

(And if you ask me, you’ve deserved this for a longgggg time)

sign me up

My coaching program was created to serve wedding photographers as the alternative to “figuring it out on your own.”

introducing Ascend

a 4 month group coaching program that helps wedding photographers create a more profitable and freedom-filled business than ever

Here's what's inside:

➡️ A monthly 60-minute group coaching call to talk through our topic q&a style

➡️ Two rounds of hot-seat coaching during the program (15 minutes to chat through anything in your business, this is YOUR time to get help from the group!)

➡️ Access to a library of resources such as financial planning sheets, content ideas, email templates, and more

➡️ Voice and message chat for real-time support throughout your coaching

Raving clients who can't help but leave you a five star review because of their amazing experience, leading to more weddings with couples just like them

Want a sneak peek of your future after Ascend? Here it is:

Healthy business boundaries that create a more balanced work/life structure, so you can block off weekends in advance instead of booking another wedding

Higher revenue from booking your biggest packages yet, because you've honed in on pricing and payment strategies that work

More qualified leads coming from diversified marketing, like blogs, referrals, SEO and vendor relationships.

Renewed creativity in your business that comes from confidence and curiosity of owning the fact that you're an artist above all else

Making decisions with a growth mindset so you learn to find opportuities you didn't see before, because you'll have a more creative outlook


"Katelyn has helped shape my business into everything I wanted and more."

"6 months ago, I couldn’t have imagined myself in the place I am now. After 7+ years as a professional photographer, I found myself feeling stuck and uninspired. I knew where I wanted to go, but had no idea how to get there. I highly recommend the Ascend mentoring program to any photographer who is ready to bring their business to the next level!"

melissa gebert photography

ascend group coaching for Photographers

inner creativity 🤜 🤛  business strategies

Ascend group coaching includes access to recorded modules that you can watch at your own pace, our recorded calls so you can replay them whenever you want, and tons of personal support via our group chat each month, all to ensure you’ve got the groundwork in place to create confidence and security in your business.




Expansive goals


We begin your coaching with a setting intentional goals and strategies. SMART goals are essential – they bring clarity to your business aspirations, helping you focus on what truly matters and leave behind what no longer serves you.

During this pivotal step, we'll align on how you want your time to look. It's an opportunity for me to provide the support and accountability you need, while addressing any roadblocks in your way. Together, we'll uncover sticking points and create an action plan for growth and progress.


Setting your goals and the strategies to achieve them is the first step to a life-serving business.

pricing your photography

module 02

During this module, we will:
+ learn about money psychology
+ go over the strategies behind price increases that allow me to continually raise my prices throughout the year
+ learn how to identify when you're charging enough, and when there is a discrepency in your value
+ go over pricing guides and presenting pricing in a way that aligns with your brand
+ review your current pricing and make a growth plan


Pricing isn't just about changing numbers. It's about a sustainable plan, acceptance, growth, and more.

Client experience


In this module, you will learn:
+ the phases of client experience
+ the workflow I use with each of my wedding clients
+ from inquiry to delivery, all the steps that make a valuable experience
+ automations that you can implement to save time
+ experiential upsells to make you more money and leave your clients feeling valued 
+ what NOT to do in your client experience workflows
+ the messaging you can implement to start booking higher ticket clients


Your client experience largely determines your value as a photographer.

business organiZation


In this module, we'll cover:
+ inquiry workflow
+ booking workflow
+ financial check-in workflow
+ tools I use in my business
+ quickbooks overview 
+ honeybook automations 
+ photo organization and backup
+ offboarding and review process
+ systems I use to save time
+ templates and resources
+ working with a VA


This is where you'll be able to step into the role of CEO of your photography business. (How exciting!)

marketing strategies


In this module, you'll learn:
+ offline marketing (not relying on the algorithm!)
+ networking with vendors you want to work with
+ how to build content bank themes
+ giveaway strategies for growth
+ pitching and selling
+ how styled shoots can grow your business and network
+ my email marketing workflow
+ my blogging workflow
+ SEO and website tips


There are so many ways to market your business, and figuring out what works for you is important for strategies that actually sell. 

editing & portfolio curation


This module includes:
+ 5+ hours of editing videos from weddings and sessions
+ basic photoshop tutorial for edits
+ selecting your portfolio images
+ portfolio curation techniques
+ presenting your portfolio 


In this module, we’re going to refine your editing workflow and elevate your portfolio to that of a high-end wedding photographer, strategically choosing images and editing techniques that transform your business.

It’s important to me that you know when we work together, you’ll receive all of the knowledge and tools I’ve used to build my business, and I’ll treat you like a friend above all, leading with kindness and creativity that is going to empower you to make more money and create the business you’ve been dreaming of.

I want you to feel confident in your decision! If within 30 days of starting the program, you feel this it is not a good fit, you may be eligible to receive a credit towards 1:1 coaching. Proof of completing any assignments and attending calls etc. is required and any refunds are at Katelyn's discretion.

My guarantee to you.

Katie felt stuck after 10 years in business, and after Ascend was making the most $$ she'd ever made!

Lauren ditched her other job within our time working together and started shooting more aligned weddings.

Jessica went from curious beginner to being the in-demand photographer in her area in less than a year.

watch case studies from students

Click the icons to watch the testimonials

The future can be scary, especially in self-employment. When you think about the future of your biz, just past getting through the next couple shoots - what do you see?

If it's question marks that you're envisioning in your brain right now, then I really want to talk to you.

Setting up my business to be future-proof was the way I made six figures during a global pandemic. It's the way that I can work less than 20 hours per week and know that I'm going to be okay. The systems and mindset I have in place for KMP are the reason I am successful.

(let’s be honest—you deserve the best for your business)

✨ The Busy Photographer's Guide To Blog Workflows ($47 value)

✨ Attracting & Converting Wedding Inquiries Guide & Templates ($97 Value)

✨ The Client Experience Map for Wedding Photographers ($147 Value)

All available inside your portal the moment you sign up for Ascend

because Who doesn't love bonuses?

Bonus for enrollment the week May 13th only → A free website audit so that you can ensure your dream clients are connecting with you in a way that takes them straight to your contact button.



Your investment

apply below



per month

Everyone’s financial situation is unique, so I’m offering a few different payment options.


YES! I wanted to make Ascend accessible for everyone, so I have a few extended payment plan options, just check when applying! Ascend costs the equivalent to one wedding, or a handful of senior sessions, or even a couple big product sales, and I'll show you how you can make that return on your investment, and if you don't, I'll extend 1:1 coaching to you for after Ascend.

I don't know if I can afford it right now, is there a payment plan?

If nothing changes, nothing changes. Do you want to look back next year and still be in the same place you're in now, wondering where your next lead will come from or how you can create a more successful business? You'll be missing out on the roadmap to achieving that success NOW.


Along with voice and messaging coaching where we can talk back and forth on real-time topics, we will have a monthly Q&A, workshop style phone call with our group. You are welcome to ask anything during these times!

How much access do I have to you in the coaching?

Mindset, workflows and systems, branding and client experience, marketing, pricing, and editing! All modules are ones I know will give you a great framework for your business.

What topics do we cover in the four months? 

If you're just beginning, I'm SO excited for you! Yes, this coaching program is for you if you know your camera basics, have an established business, and a general knowledge of photography.

I am just starting my career, is this for me?

If you've never tried coaching before, let me tell you it's life-changing. After I (finally) invested in business coaching, I made $47000 more in profit than I ever had in business. So yeah, it works! 

What if I've never done coaching before?
